Man camps out at work, busts burglars
From The Decatur Daily via Yahoo News
ATHENS, Ala. - Steve Bauer had had enough after two nights of someone breaking into his business and stealing antiques. So he armed himself with a cola bottle and a .44-caliber Magnum and spent the night at work. Soon, Bauer had his man. And a woman.
Bauer, owner of Steve Bauer Properties, was fed up after burglars hit his business twice. So he spent the night at his realty office on Wednesday.
Bauer, 51, had the gun for protection, and he propped the plastic bottle at the back door so it would make a noise if someone opened it.
"I fell asleep sometime after 11," he said. "I woke up when I heard the bottle fall. I could hear papers shuffling in my office."
Bauer peeked into his office and saw a woman with a flashlight looking through his desk. He asked what she was doing, and the woman called him by name and replied she was looking for a house to rent.
"I said, 'Ma'am, it's midnight, and you have a flashlight. I don't believe so. I believe you need to lay down on the ground.'"
Bauer called Athens police, and he heard someone outside while he was on the phone. The woman's boyfriend was in a pickup truck.
"I ordered him to get out and put his hands on the truck," Bauer said. "I told him I had a gun and was on the phone with police, but he cranked the truck and took off."
Bauer shot at the truck's back tires, but a bullet ricocheted off the road and hit the window of another business.
Jason's snark: Yeah, because you can find a rental house, at midnight, with a flashlight, in a desk drawer. That must have been one small house.